Saturday, March 31, 2012

We were on Vacation

About two weeks ago...

Goro, Niko, listen.

Your Dad and I are going away to go to Hawaii.
My friend will come to stay here and take care of you, OK?

Calm down, Goro.
Come out of the suitcase.

Niko, we will be back in just a week.

Besides, look.
I made T-shirts with your photos printed on.

We will wear them in Hawaii.
So you are traveling with us on T-shirts.

Probably not.....but it was a reflection of my
desire to take kids to Hawaii with us.

Goro and Niko T-shirt relaxing on the hotel balcony

Doting parents (not crazy couple)

Although we have to be physically separated
from time to time...

Goro and Niko are always with us in our hearts :-)


  1. Boys,
    I thought I'm the only one with crazy....errr....doting pawrents... purrrr.....meow!

  2. Aw, that was pretty cool that you took Goro and Niko on vacation with you...sort of! We hope you had a good time...but we're glad you're back!!

  3. OMC, that was so adorable! T-shirts with the boys on them and you wore them on vacation, how sweet!

    Goro and Niko, never fear. Mom and Dad will find a way to take you along no matter where they go :) xx


  4. I think your humans should have had a STAYcation! Who cares about stupid Hawaii? Clearly they were pining for you and would have had MUCH more fun being with you guys than moping around some old beaches.

  5. WOW = you guys have neat pawparents. Do you have any idea how lucky you are? Love the Tshirts looking at M with longing eyes).

  6. We think it is very sweet that your mom and dad had such cute shirts made for their trip. We hope they had lot of fun in Hawaii.

  7. sweet that mom and dad took you both to Hawaii. least in spirit anyways! Haha!
    Hope you kitties are doing well!
    xo Catherine

  8. Gosh I love Hawaii, I hope you had a wonderful trip!!! The t-shirts are so cute :-)

  9. Dearest Tamago,

    What a neat idea to have their images with you to Hawaii. We were for 8 nights in CuraƧao and yes, it is tough leaving them with the cat-sitter. But what is the alternative?
    Our eldest, Barty of 8, acts like a magnet for days when we return from a trip. Guess they're afraid we abandon them again.
    Your two boys always tell the story so well. Love reading your great cat-love-stories!
    Enjoy a great Sunday and love to you.


  10. How fun and such a good idea! You have such cool pawrents!!

  11. Hi tamago,
    isn't that funny, they feel exactly what is going on. I have also such photos with the cats inside of the suitcase. And when we came back, they ignored us for days. Only my red tiger Benny was very adictive after our trip. I guess he thought we had been lost and he had to watch us. He even took a long walk with us then. The T-Shirts are cute. I hope you had a good trip and they cats are happy again.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  12. We think it's totally cool that your humans had tee-shirts made with your photos on them. Not quite the same as you both going in person, but somehow we don't think you'd have enjoyed the flights. :-P

  13. What an adorable post-I love the doting parents, not crazy couple line. Thats my husband and I as well of course

    I hope you had a wonderful time

    urban hounds

  14. Yay, Goro and Niko you are famous now...that T-shirt was excellent world exposure for you two! Love it! So happy that your Mom and Dad had a great trip to Hawaii for a vacation. I have the sneakin' suspicion that you boys are getting LOTS of extra luvvins' from them now that they are back!

  15. I know what beach you were on...I recognize Rabbit Island! Boys, now is the time to play the guilty card and get tons of wonderful fuds.

  16. "That doesn't mean anything to us" Hahahaha!

    I hope you had a happy vacation!

  17. Well that's pretty sweet. ...still, I hope they brought you some presents. It's the least they could do.
    ; ) Katie

  18. Hmmmm. Seems to me they were mostly trying to get away from the feeling the GUILT they SHOULD feel at 'bandoning you. The real question is: Did they bring you good presents? New toys? Some Hawaiian Nip?
    Cause that's how you know they REALLY were thinking about you! Honestly, what good are shirts and sand to YOU?

  19. That is so cool you sort of had them with you! I will bet you had a wonderful time!

  20. Awww that was the SWEETEST POST!!!

    You sure did have them on your mind, in the most adorable way!! Loved the shirts.

    What Island did you go to? My favorite is Kauai!

    Welcome back!

  21. Dearest Tamago-san,
    Wow, vacation in Hawaii♡♡♡ What an ideal place to go, I wonder if it is a celebration for something♬♬♬
    Oh, how lovely you took both of them with you printed on T-shirts and wonderful idea☆☆☆
    ps> Thank you for your thoughtful comments. I always appreciate your sweet words.
    Love you always, xoxo Miyako*

  22. We hope you had a great vacation.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  23. Me too, a vacation in Hawaii. What fun that must have been. We love the T-shirts. See you two, you were always very close to them. What a good Mom and Dad you have for sure. Have a great Monday.

  24. Aw, we love your Goro and Niko t-shirts! We sure hope Mom and Dad have a great vacation in Hawaii, and that Goro and Niko have fun with the cat-sitter. :)

    Hugs to you all!

  25. We hope your parentals had a good time - and that they brought back LOTS of guilt gifts!

  26. They know you will come home with lots of presents and love and treats. Have a wonderful time and enjoy yourselves. xo

  27. Hi Boys! Hope your pawrents are still trying to make it all up to you ;-)

  28. Oh, I can feel with you. I hate it to leave Noah alone with a cat sitter while we were on holidays. But, wow, Hawai! That sounds great! I'm sure you had a lot of fun. Noah likes to ignore me, when I'm back from the holidays. How about Goro and Niko, did they give you a warm welcome?
    Have lovey a Easter

  29. what a brilliant idea - we want our people to wear t-shirts or have a hand bag with US on it! Take care and we know they will be back soon to shower you with love. Love Darcy and Bingley xxx

  30. aw...yr love brings tears to my eyes (or rather yr cat's reaction to yr trip)...hope it was a great vacation even though Goro and Niko couldn't come!
