Sunday, January 20, 2013

Busy Days

I have been busy at work for the last couple of
weeks and coming home late every night. I sure
missed spending more time with Goro & Niko.

Things seem to be back to normal now. I can come
home at normal hours and play with kids. (I hope!)


  1. Niko, we're so glad you have that pretty flower to play with. But something tells us it is not going to be so pretty by the time your mom gets home. ;)

  2. It's no fun having to work long hours and not getting to play with our fur babies! I hope not too many more toys are drowned by Goro. ;)
    Wishing you lots of play time this week!
    xo Catherine

  3. I hope that we get to see more of you two with your human back to normal hours!

  4. Dearest Tamago,
    Isn't that the truth; we feel guilty for not being home with our furbabies... But in a way, they sure benefit from all the extra work. Let's enjoy time together while possible!
    Hugs to you,

  5. MOL..For a min. I think you are sweet Niko...Ha..Ha..Ha

  6. Awwww sweet and adorable Niko!! Awww we are so glad you found a flower to play with! Yay!! Even gorgeous Goro is enamoured!!

    We hope mum has gets some quality kitty time soon! Yay! Take care

  7. That's a very pretty flower you found Niko! But we aren't sure how pretty it'll be after Goro is done playing with it?

  8. Awww your poor Mom! Glad she's on a better schedule again. Y'all looked pretty pitiful all lonesome and bored BOL

    Waggin at ya,

  9. Hope you got some good play time with your Mom. Happy Monday.

  10. Sorry to hear that Mom Tamago has been having to work late every night. We are glad her schedule is getting better, and that she will be able to spend special time with you both again, Goro and Niko.

  11. Good job keeping your selves amused even without mom and Im so glad that your mommy is going to have more time with you soon

    urban hounds

  12. Well at least you are trying to have fun, but normal with Mom is much better!

  13. doodz. just watch yur mom doez knot make ewe both go ta werk....that stunt wuz tried heer...corse it WUZ epic fail !!

  14. Hi Tamago,
    its not easy for kids to be without their Mom alone at home. But hopefully you will have more time soon. Goro and Niko are so cute and funny.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  15. It's beyond us how your Mom can even leave the house AT ALL...considering the destruction...erm..."entertainment" she misses!

  16. Boys, It must be lonely when Mommy has to be away so late. She did leave you a pretty flower to play with.
    I don't like it when Mom leaves me for long either.
    xoxo Kassey

  17. Hey Niko buddy, I'm coming over to play with you...Such a sweet post, we love that you are going to show your Mom the flower you found! Purrs to your Mom, we hope that things get less busy and she has some relaxing time to spend with you and Goro.

  18. Your mommy miss you 2 as well~!!
    Hopefully you will be together soon.

  19. Oh Boys! I unnerstands COMPLETELY. My stoopy Human is correcting exams and she isn't hardly paying any attention to me or anything. Sigh.

  20. I bet your Mom would rather be home with her boys.
    Hope this will be a better week for you all.


  21. Great story, love it :-)
    I hope you can spend more time with your sweeties again, they are so cute !
    Nice evening,

  22. Isn't it awful? We should all win the lottery and become millionaires so we can stay at home with our fur pals.

  23. Sometimes it is very hard to amuse ourselves!

  24. Goro san & Niko san,
    They have been busy at work for the last couple of weeks and coming home late every night.
    I think Goros show this to do Mom when she comes home Hi pretty flower.
    let's play with Niko san too....

  25. It looks as if you are having a good time.
    Princess Aurora (Shubunkin)

  26. Wow! Sweet Niko you are giving that pretty flower 'what for' you sure it will still be there for you to show your mom? You can come here and play with Pooh, she can't ever get anybody to play with her. Hugs and nose kisses

  27. Dearest Tamago-san,
    So sorry for my belated comment, my dear Japanese friend in America♡♡♡ I have been so tied up and tired...(^^;)

    この冬、雪は積もらないですが寒~~いですp;)Take Care of Yourselves, too!!!

    Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  28. Sounds like the Mom missed you two also. Glad she is home now to do some playing with you. I bet there isn't much left of that pretty flower. Glad you finally found a friend Niko. Have a great afternoon. Take care.
