Sunday, August 17, 2014


When Goro was small, I found a bump
in the middle of his lower tummy.

Is this some kind of tumor? A bad one?
I got worried and asked our vet.

The vet said, "Oh, it's just a nipple."


Cats generally have 8 nipples.
In 2 rows; 4 nipples on each side of belly.

Clearly, Goro's nipples thought
it was a free seating.

Well, I'm happy as long as
Goro is happy and healthy :-)


In the deep ocean of fur, locating nipples is
very hard. They often go missing.

So I decided to create
a nipple distribution map.

Will update the map as I confirm
each location...

No, no.

It's for tracking purpose only :-)


  1. Oh My Goodness !
    Such a sweet kitten photo of Goro.
    Best post ever. Nipple distribution map hahahahahahaha.
    I love (bad me) how dogs or cats get an embarrassed look on their faces, when we or the vet check their body parts.

    cheers, parsnip

  2. ha ha ha ha ha!!!

    Kitty titties never fail to crack me up...I'm always twiddling when I pet the tummies around here. I've never found a Rogue Nipple though...I may have to create my own Nipple Distribution Maps to make sure none go on walkabout!

    xx Mommy Trish

  3. MOL! It's just another way that Goro is unique!

  4. Oh Goro, that was a little embarrassing, wasn't it? But the mom has done the same thing...asked the vet about a bump that was just a nipple. We hope she doesn't get any ideas to map our nipples!

  5. LOL! Oh too too funny! Oh Goro. That must have been so funny when mom got you to the vet and found out it was just a nipple. But a relief too that it wasn't anything serious. Mom's are worry warts are they not? Well it's best to get these things checked out. The first time I found a nipple on Banjo I thought it was a wart cause it was in a funny spot on his tummy. Maybe I need to make a map as well. ;)
    xo Catherine

  6. Well, this should save you from worry! I see your mason jar with the butterfly in it. We have one too. And the butterfly flies around. Does Goro like it? Our cats do not care a bit!

  7. HAHAHAHA! Oh, we can't stop laughing! Map for pervert. MOLMOLMOL!!!

    Our Mommy has searched for, and found all our nipples. Though she has never thought of mapping them. ;)

    PS/ Was that a butterfly in a bottle next to you in that 5th photo?

  8. I am blushing, not sure I should be reading this. Have a great day. Skipper. :)

  9. How relieving it must be, Tamago-san(^_^)v
    I never knew about them and free seating is interesting, isn't it; as long as no harm to Goro-chan♪ I LOVE the sweet and yet serious face in the picture with the cute jar♡♡♡
    The map must be in the Excel; I've never used it p;)  Very Good Idea:ー) 

    やっと、お盆も終わりました。 ただ、全国的な長雨と豪雨の土砂崩れなどで帰省に大変な思いをされた方も多かったようです。 少しは涼しくなって二人共長めに外に出れるようになると良いですね♪

    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs to my dear Japanese friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

  10. You are on the map Goro! Oh, wait, you are the map!

  11. A map of nipples, Goro? Well...let´s see the practical side: you mom will track any sign of annormalities *cough*. Now the funny side: I loved the post!

  12. Just when you think you've seen everything, there is a surprise. This is actually a good idea to be aware of the locations. Merlin has one mutant nipple.

  13. Awwww Goro!!! You are one unique kitty!!! Yay! Hugs too to sweet Niko! Take care

  14. That's funny! Goro and Niko, your mommy is very caring and very creative.
    I was worried about something I felt on my foster kitten's back. It turned out to be just the microchip!

  15. Goro, your human are so ... I can´t explain... I am without words to say now!
    If you need a new home do live in peace, without nipples maps, come to Brazil with us.
    I am laughing and tears are drop from my eyes... your humans is funny!!!

  16. dood....just watch it if yur mom comes any wear neer ewe with a marker N wants ta play connect de dots....

  17. Oh, I'm glad everything is well with Goro !
    And it's a good idea to make that map ... so nice you're taking such care of your sweeties !
    Cute photos !
    Have a wonderful week,

  18. I remember when I first discovered nipples on Chucky; I really had to think about it! My first reaction was oh noes! Then I giggled at myself. Goro, you are very handsome!

  19. MOL! We are sure glad it was just your nipple, Goro, and not something bad. :)

  20. GORO SAN! Your mommy is just the one to make MINE laugh and smile for a long time. I am sorry your nipples need a map but how nice that your mommy helped you find them! Right? Right?

    Tell Mommy san that I, Katie have nominated her for the Writing Process Tour. There are only three questions which she can read on MY blog. Mommy will do her blog too as she was also nominated. xxoo kissies

  21. Oh theese one is a good one! It made us chuckle! Your Mommy is very creative with the spreadsheets Goro! So glad that all is on track and all good with your you-know-whats...have a great week my dear friends!

  22. Hi Goro San!
    Your um will did good idea of the locations without nipples maps.
    Have a very good days Tamago san!

  23. I only see 5 nipples on the “map.” Oh boy, I never let the peeps touch my stomach. They don’t even know if I have nips. Hey, ever think of getting them pierced?

  24. Dearest Tamago,
    Guess all cat-Moms have had such a nipple scare! While cuddling them, always my fingers kind of check their fur and skin for any scratches or whatever. And I've screamed too when I 'thought' I'd found something. They almost look with their eyes, piercing through your soul... like you stupid!
    Very cute photos as usual and glad Goro is okay.

  25. Oh poor Goro, the mom bean here is laffing her silly head off. Ummm..she's laffing with you, not at you, we're sure.

    AND if she knows what's good for her she better not start checking our bellies!

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  26. Oh Tamago....that's so funny! He's so cute!!

  27. Sometimes when I see our cats looking at us, pervert is one of the nicer things that I think they are thinking. lol

  28. Com meu carinho de sempre venho agradecer
    as palavras reconfortantes deixadas no meu blog.
    Tudo isso me leva pra frente dizendo
    continue ainda existe quem te quer bem do outro lado da telinha.
    Ando protelando meu afastamento por
    conta de pessoas tão importantes para mim como você é ,
    a um longo tempo caminhando comigo.
    Eu sou humilde demais , eu amo demais ,
    eu me envolvo demais , eu luto demais ,
    talvez seja essa garra que deixa
    gente brava outras feliz e tão contente.
    Hoje venho te pedir uma gentileza.
    Apesar dos meu quase 10 anos de blog
    por algumas vezes termino entrando
    em alguma coisa , que me deixa feliz em participar
    a mais de 5 anos deixei de participar de tudo nos blogs
    por perder o encanto por muita coisa.
    Veio o convite eu fui tentar ser poeta por um dia
    hoje peço seu voto
    se achar que meu poema vale seu voto.
    Nome do meu poema?
    "Você é minha Poesia"..
    Endereço para votar.
    È complicado pra mim pedir voto,
    pois sempre achei que merece ganhar sempre
    todos os pemas.
    È lindo mesmo que seja um único pensamento.
    Caso for votar é votar e confirmar seu voto
    é complicado ,
    mais acredito no seu potencial de
    votar e de escolher.
    Um abraço cheio de carinho.
    PS.Quando terminar farei uma
    postagem como o nome de todos amigos
    que confiaram em mim seu voto.
    Minha amiga tem que votar e confirmar o voto.
    A dona do blog ñ facilitou a vida de ninguém .
    E minhas maiores amizades é fora do Brasil. Graças a Deus estão indo votar dando toda atenção isso é muito gratificante para mim.

  29. MOUSES! You know, I'm thinkin' that perhaps - just 'perhaps' - that ol' on-line nipple distribution map might be a tad more embarrassin' than the visit to the doctor. Just thinkin' that. I could be TOTALLY wrong.

    Nissy #Niss4Senate - tell the PM, today.

  30. Anything out of the ordinary with our babies is cause for concern...good thing that you did get it looked at.


  31. MOL MOL MOL!!! I've gotten worried about the same thing on Sampson! I'll be rubbing his belly and feel a little bump and freak out. Only to realize it's just his nipple. I thought I was going to die from laughter when I saw the photo of the nipple "map for pervert." Hilarious! Sending you love of love, Goro!

  32. Oh My Cat Goro
    It really is for your good but... My my is is maybe something you keep at home

  33. Glad to hear the little fella is going to be okay after all :)

  34. MOL! A nipple distribution map. Hahaha! That's really funny! Uh-oh... You just gave Mom a wild idea!

  35. Thanks for the info. It relieves many people from their worries ;-)

  36. Goro sua mamãe é muito divertida, acho que você é o único gatinho com mapa de mamilos hehehehe
    Acho que agora vou conferir os gatos aqui de casa para ver se está tudo alinhado hehe


  37. Olá.
    Desejos de um bom fim de semana.
