Goro loves carrying his toys around.
Ice cream cones & other various toys.
Ice cream cones & other various toys.
Niko, on the other hand, always-always
brings one particular toy - this birthday cake.
One day, I noticed the cake was getting worn out.
Maybe it's time for this old toy to retire.
So I got him a new nip cake.
Getting to know each other...
Then I put the new cake next to
the birthday cake.
BUT Niko continued to bring
his birthday cake toy.
After a while, I got another nip toy.
This time, the same birthday cake from the
same company as the one he has.
Getting to know each other...
Then I put the new cake next to
the original cake.
BUT again, Niko continued to bring
his old birthday cake.
I guess it has to work for a while longer.
Sorry, old cake - No retirement for you yet :-)
P.S. I washed cakes together, rubbed my scent,
etc. but nothing convinced Niko to switch!
When they bring toys,
they also bring smile to me :-)