We'd like to send big THANK YOU and HUGS
This award wants us to tell 7 things we love and/or think
about. One thing for sure is King Spitty's gorgeous fluffy tail❤
Another things are of course Goro & Niko. Their health and
happiness. As bathroom activity is one of key health indicators,
single unusual drop of stool can easily be all I can think about.
Kind Warning: I drew picture of stool instead of using the real
image, but you may want to skip this post if you are eating.
As I mentioned couple of times in the past,
Goro does not bury after using bathroom.
There are several benefits for that.
1. I can easily identify whose present it is.
2. Sometimes I find fine art.
(I've seen one poo standing proudly like a monument.)
3. I can see its condition (color, shape, etc.) clearly.
I certainly panicked when I saw
bright orange in his stool one morning.
First, I checked Goro. He looked normal,
picking on...I mean, playing with Niko as usual.
Then I did web search.
I could rule them out for him.
Can it be liver disease?
Gotta go to the vet. Before making a call, I took
a closer look at the stool, then noticed something.
I could separate the orange part.
Its shape and material looked familiar...
I know, it's the body part of toy dragonfly!!
(Looks like the color changed in Goro's stomach.)
Later I found the backup evidence.
Oh, Goro, toy eater...
This happened long time ago, but I remember that
scary day like it was yesterday. I'm glad Goro was fine.
Speaking of health issues, Goro recently visited vet due to
loss of his fur. Vet thinks it's an allergic reaction to something.
Long story short, after two vet visits and one grumpy cat,
we are now observing his skin condition, hoping it'll improve.
Vet warned his fur might not grow back. I hope
it will - but if not? Well, some patches mean nothing
to us as long as Goro is healthy and happy!
We'd like to share the award with fur babies who need
purrs and prayers. Wishing you all a healthy and happy life.