Goro has several favorite spots for napping.
Cat Mansion
Wavy bed
On a couch with his Dad
etc, etc.
But most importantly...
On my legs!
Every weekend, Goro comes to my legs
for afternoon nap.
Goro and happy legs :-)
By the way.
We recently reconfigured Cat Mansion
and moved it to near the window.
Then it became Goro's prime napping spot.
You may have guessed what happened next.
Goro began to take afternoon naps
there, leaving me and my legs all alone.
Goro, come on.
I reserved my legs for you.
Oh, no! I'm so sad :-(
Thank you, Niko.
Would you come take a nap with me?
Niko comes to my bed in the night,
but usually takes daytime naps solo.
After a couple of weeks, though,
Goro came back to me.
My legs are happy again :-)
On May 30, we celebrated Goro's
6th birthday.
Happy birthday, sunshine! We love you!